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Nous avons trouvé 183 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

A Day in the Life of a Sorbonne University Exchange Student: Nicolo Lovinello

… are always happy to help.  What was it like to live in Paris? To put it simply, life in Paris is hard. I have experienced extremes of almost every …

  • Portrait

Romane Dicko

… the mathematics student at Sorbonne University: gold at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. How did your passion for judo come … bit of energy left, I work on my classes.   How is Sorbonne Université supporting you in this project? R.D. : Of course, …

  • Structure de recherche

Common and Rare Kidney Diseases

… Coordonnées Web site Juliette Hadchouel, Perrine Frère 01 56 01 83 17 Contact by email Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM Sorbonne Université Supervisory bodies Objets de recherche Éditions … Bâtiment Recherche, Hôpital Tenon 4, rue de la Chine Paris 75020 Director Publications Géolocalisation Hôpital …

  • Portrait

Kiyoka Kinugawa Bourron

… years ago with the mechanical bioengineering team at the Université Technologique de Compiègne, in partnership with … be involving 15 geriatric departments at the AP-HP in the Paris region to include over 800 patients in our study, the … means we have the material and human resources we need. 6) What does AXA Assurances VIE Mutuelle’s support mean for …

  • Portrait

Zohra Kehli

… Zohra Kehli Published on 2/06/2023 - Updated on 8/03/2024 Kehli Zohra High-level fencer … mandate, is sabre-running towards the next Olympic Games in Paris. How did your passion for your sport come about? I … balancing act. Organization is essential. How does Sorbonne Université support you in this dual project? The high-level …

  • Article

M2 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology pathway

… Epigenetics' pathway) BMC_ThematiqueBGA-BBM_2024-25 (pdf 206.4 KB)  Mots clés : Mondes ARN ; Expression des gènes ; ARN … UE (6 ECTS) will be chosen from those offered by Sorbonne Université or other higher education establishments. It … Dr Séverine ZIRAH (MNHN, Paris):    Secrétariat pédagogique  Carine …

  • Article

M2 - Biodiversity and conservation of marine ecosystems course (BCEM)

… List of UE courses : Ecology of coastal communities (6 ECTS) Instrumentation and data acquisition in oceanography … et Marie Curie Tour 46/00 – 1 er étage – porte 105 Sorbonne Université Département SDUEE Case courrier 210 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05 01 44 27 31 48 Contact by email … This course …

  • Article

Scientific integrity delegation

… in the network of integrity officers set up in 2016. He also takes part in international meetings dedicated to … Campus des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris Contact by email Le portrait de Roger Guérin … de recherche et conférences d’établissements dont France Universités (ex. CPU) Rapport Corvol - Bilan et propositions …

  • Presse

A personalized precision medicine approach is needed to treat Covid-19 as more than one type of "

… to block these cytokines, for example anti-interleukin-6 or anti-interleukin-1 antibodies, was already tried, … KB) Pr. Guy Gorochov, Immunology research center, Sorbonne Université - Inserm U1135, Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris Contacter par courriel Aurélie Ermont, in charge of …

  • Portrait

Esther Demoulin

… Esther Access ERC post-doctoral fellow at Alithila, Université de Lille and recipient of a Chancellery 2022 … at the University of Liège, Belgium. I then moved to Paris, where I was admitted to the École normale supérieure … couple, it is Beauvoir who, until the end of the years 1960, played the role of the cuckoo and Sartre that of the …