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Nous avons trouvé 44 résultats pour votre recherche

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Degrees in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

… of application: September 28th Selection committees: 1st session: mid-June  2nd session: end of September  Beginning of the training: … with bootstrapping, learn how to argue and convince…  The second axis is a real project management in the field of …

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Alex Lanier

… for my degree for the moment. I have two two-hour maths sessions per week, which allows me to relieve my workload a … or 1 p.m. Then I have two hours of math, followed by my second practice. And I have the evening to myself! How does …

  • Actualité

Olympic Games 2024: is sport actually good for our health?

… on two groups of triathletes, one of which underwent longer sessions, an experiment showed that participants who did … been an integral part of our developed societies since the second half of the 20th century. "This behavior has an …

  • Portrait

Camille Lutz

… hopeful in French table tennis, Camille Lutz is also a second-year computer science student at Sorbonne University. … doing? What are you currently studying?  C.L. : I am in the second year of a computer science degree. I chose this … from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by a strength training session. Then I have a two and a half hour break, during …

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Romane Dicko

… began. What are you currently studying? R.D.: I'm in the second year of my bachelor’s in Mathematics at Sorbonne … doing a series of training courses, competitions, training sessions, mental preparation... In short, I'll be doing …

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Ève Planeix

… career! Since our participation is guaranteed, our training sessions are focused on this competition. The pool is … Everything will be recorded to the nearest thousandth of a second. This more objective rating will give us a better …

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4EU+PharmacoEpi (advanced course):an integrated 4EU+ Pharmacoepidemiology educational course

… initiative providing pharmacoepidemiological training on secondary data sources from multiple European countries. … of live online lectures, including questions & answers sessions. It will occur during weekdays March 25 to March …

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Zohra Kehli

… each competition? It's a routine before every training session or competition: I sit down, try to release all the … Tokyo Olympics because I tested positive for Covid-19. The second is the pride of having been crowned double African …

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Digital International Program (DIGIT)

… are paired to work together in tutorials and hand on sessions with digital tools to manipulate quantum circuits. … part concerns statistics applied in Bioinformatics and the second covers several problems in the analysis of biological …

  • Article

Quantum Information (QI)

… are paired to work together in tutorials and hand on sessions with digital tools to manipulate quantum circuits. … structures arborescentes et l'algorithmique probabiliste.La seconde partie du cours introduit la combinatoire analytique …