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Nous avons trouvé 256 résultats pour votre recherche

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Engaging in outreach and open science

… The new knowledge resulting from the doctoral student's research work must be disseminated as widely as possible to … The thesis director and the director of the research unit support the doctoral student to have the best possible …

  • Actualité

Call for thesis directors for doctoral or post-doc SOUND projects

… Doctoral candidates do not participate during this research development stage. The SOUND project is launching … hold the HDR or equivalent, and be assigned to two research units and doctoral schools under the supervision of one of …

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M1&M2 - Microbiology course

… M1&M2 - Microbiology course The course comprises five research-based training sugjects … training program of excellence. The aim is to create a community of scientists, healthcare professionals and … Master 1 are encouraged to take at least two teaching units with a significant microbiology component in M1 (one …

  • Actualité

The Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Sciences

… we benefit from an extraordinary wealth of education and research related to the sciences of antiquity. However, the … today brings together three doctoral schools, five research units and the departments of History, Greek, Latin, …

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Master in Marine Sciences

… most global. The program draws directly on the University's research units located on the Paris campus and in the three marine …

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External Aggregation of Life Sciences - Earth and Universe Sciences

… for candidates in option C of the agrégation.   Teaching units (UE) M2-S3 (30 ECTS) UE Synthesis in molecular and … ECTS) Teaching units (UE) M2-S4 (30 ECTS) UE initiation to research techniques in molecular and cellular biology (6 …

  • Actualité

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at Sorbonne University and its Alliance partners

… to Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships in the research units of Sorbonne University and its partners CNRS, …

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Advanced Systems and Robotics (SAR)

… control of complex robotic systems. It covers the numerous research and development needs related to advanced … design his or her program by choosing a sub-set of course units within the teaching on offer. Two internships are …

  • Actualité

ERC Advanced Grant 2023 Awards

Research ERC Advanced Grant 2023 Awards The ERC Advanced … and history of texts at Sorbonne University, within the research unit Rome and its Renaissance: art, archaeology, literature …

  • Structure de recherche

Laboratory of childhood genetic diseases

… du Dr Arnold Netter Localisation 48.842714, 2.4054 Our research unit (INSERM / Sorbonne University), in close connection …