French as a foreign language (FLE)

Before starting university studies, it is essential to have a fairly good level of oral and written French. Level B2 of the European reference framework is recommended.

French as a foreign language (FLE)


Foreign students enrolled at Sorbonne Université and foreign staff needing linguistic support can take advantage of French language courses (FLE) held on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus at convenient times and in groups of varying levels.

During the academic year, French courses are organized for 2 to 6 hours a week over one or two semesters, depending on your initial level (assessed by a compulsory online placement test). Intensive courses are also available in January and June under the same conditions.

Please note: only semester courses can be validated as optional foreign language teaching units, and are equivalent to ECTS credits.


Courses are free of charge for bachelor's and master's students enrolled at Sorbonne Université (outside funded programs) or at a Sorbonne Université alliance institution (MNHN, UTC, CNRS, etc.).

Registration fees apply to doctoral students and university staff, who must pay 250 euros for 30 hours of classes or 400 euros for 60 hours (depending on initial level).

It is advisable to register for FLE courses as soon as you are admitted to Sorbonne Université, without waiting until you arrive in Paris. To take these courses (from beginner to B2 level) at the faculty, you must :

  1. be enrolled at Sorbonne Université ;
  2. fill in an online form within the time period indicated;
  3. complete the placement test (allow 1 hour);
  4. await receipt of an e-mail setting out the terms and conditions of enrolment. This e-mail will enable you to choose your group according to your level and your schedule (remember to bring your student card, your timetable and any documents proving your enrolment at the university).


Course / internship

Enrolment procedure

Course duration

Back-to-school course 2024 / 2025

(reserved for Bachelor's and Master's students)

Registration closed

From September 2 to 6, 2024

(1 week, 6h of classes per day, daytime classes - 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm)

Levels A1, A2, B1, B2

1st semester 2025 / 2026

Registration form to be completed from July 10th to September 7th inclusive

The link will stay open ONLY for Doctorants, Post-doctorants which start French courses on October 20th

From September 15th to December 19
(13 weeks, evening classes 18h-20h)

For doctoral students only:
October 20th to December 19th
(8 weeks, 4h morning classes per week)

Groupe Louis-César level B1:

Groupe Pauline beginner level

Group Mehdi level B2

Winter intensive course

Registration form to be completed from December 8th to January 8th inclusive

From January 12th to January 23, 2026
(3h lessons per day, morning or afternoon depending on level)

A2 :

B2 :

C1 :

Please note: These times are not yet decided

2nd semester 2024 / 2025

Registration form to be completed from December 20 to January 29, 2025 inclusive

From February 3 to May 16, 2025
(12 weeks, evening classes 18h-20h)


Summer intensive course

Registration form to be completed from
June 2nd to 20th of June, 2025 inclusive

(not yet open)



From June 23rd to July 4th, 2025

(3h lessons per day)

Beginner A1 : 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
A2 : 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
B1 : 10.30am - 1.30pm
B2 : 9am - 12pm every day except Wednesday 2pm - 5pm
C1 : 2pm - 5pm

Please note: These times are subject to change


Language Department - FLE
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne Université
Tour 43-53 (entrance tower 43),1st floor, office 110
4, place Jussieu. 75252 PARIS cedex 05