Apply Now: New European Master's in High Performance Computing
Discover EUMaster4HPC, an exciting new master's program in High Performance Computing (HPC), and be a part of its first-ever cohort.
High Performance Computing plays a major role in scientific research and industrial innovation. The architecture of large scale computers is evolving rapidly, becoming more and more complex. While this advancement opens new promising perspectives for scientific computing, it also requires new algorithms, a deep understanding of computer architectures, parallel algorithms, programming and mathematical modelling, as well as highly trained, talented graduate students.
Sorbonne University is one of the eight participating universities of the Pan-European High Performance Computing Pilot Master’s program, EUMaster4HPC. This program brings together major players in HPC education in Europe and emphasizes collaboration across Europe.
A particular focus on student and staff mobility will enable students to rapidly gain experience through internships and exposure to European supercomputing centers.
Discover the full details of the course and apply now before applications close on May 15th, 2022.