Dessin d'ordinateur sur fond blanc

Digital pack

To give you access to a computer pack, Sorbonne Université offers €350 vouchers to be used at the HP / Sorbonne Université student store on two negotiated models.

Digital pack

Who is eligible?

This system is designed for :

  • CROUS or Région IDF scholarship holders, levels 6 and 7;
  • students in financial difficulty, after review by a committee.

How do I get help?

A platform has been set up by your university to enable you to apply online, individually, for financial aid and/or a digital pack. It opens on the first 15 days of each month of the academic year, from September to June.

> Access the platform


Student Life Social Action

Maison de la Vie Étudiante
 Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
 (Entre les tours 23 et 24)