Social assistance
The social action department welcomes and supports you in the event of administrative or financial difficulties.
The social action team at the Faculty of Science and Engineering can advise, welcome and counsel you in difficult situations.
We are here to listen to you, to help you and guide you towards the right processes, or towards financial aid if necessary. We respect professional privacy at the Student Life Centre.
> All practical information on social support can be found on your ENT website
Find out more about our weekly health and social services at the Maison de la Vie Etudiante (Student Life Center):
- Nouvelles Voies: every Monday (appointment at the MVE reception desk)
- Secours Populaire: every Thursday from 11am to 2pm at the MVE (no appointment necessary)
- Psychologists from your university's Student Health Service (SSE): every day with or without an appointment (schedule available at the MVE reception desk).
- Addiction support: Corde Raide, CAPSA (Centre de Soins, d'Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie), 3rd Wednesday of each month.
In addition to the assistance provided by your faculty, social workers from the Crous (Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires) are available by appointment. They can advise and assist you with your applications for grants and housing, and in particular, with Crous schemes. Find out more on the dedicated page.
Student Life Social Action
Maison de la Vie Étudiante
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
(Entre les tours 23 et 24)