
Nutrition, Quality and Health track - NQS

In this course, we look at human nutrition from both fundamental and public health perspectives.

A rise in nutrition-related pathologies such as obesity and diabetes, and their associated complications, is linked to changes in eating habits.  Access to quality food has become a social requirement. The relationship between food and human health is at the core of our training.

In our master's program, we offer training in food hygiene, quality and safety, nutrition/health communication and nutritional research and innovation.

Our training is also available on a intermediary course basis.

Key words:  nutritional quality - human health -  nutritional innovation - communication  

Nutrition, Quality and Health track - NQS

Objectives and admission procedures

At the end of the course, students become professionals in the field of nutrition, with a selection of training in the following three sectors:

  • Food safety
  • Research and development and nutritional innovation
  • Communication and nutrition education

As part of the intermediary course, students apply via the following link : Master 2 Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie - CFA Leem Apprentissage (


Second year

M2-S3 (30 ECTS) - Professional Development Course

2 mandatory courses (12 ECTS)

Optional courses (18 ECTS)

M2-S4 (30 ECTS) - Professional Development Course

M2- (60 ECTS) - Work-study program

The work-study schedule is 2 weeks on the job / 2 weeks in training. Full-time at the company from early April.

Compulsory courses

MU5BIQ04 - Composante et hygiénique de la qualité des aliments et maîtrise des risques (6 ECTS)

MU5BIQ06 - Innovation et communication (6ECTS)

Formulation, Nutrition et Innovation (6 ECTS)

UE d'anglais : préparation au TOEIC (3 ECTS)

Optional courses

MU5BIQ02 - Connaissance de l'entreprise, gestion et marketing (6 ECTS)

MU5BIQ03 - Alimentation et santé : qualités nutritionnelle et sensorielle (6 ECTS)

MU4BI032 - Passeport entreprise

MU4BI035 - Utilisations des agro-ressources animales et végétales et qualité nutritionnelle (6 ECTS)

Travail entreprise, rapport et soutenance (30 ECTS)


Possible professions

  • Health education project manager
  • Assistant Product Manager
  • Health By Nutrition
  • Digital communications manager
  • Project manager, nutritional communication
  • Junior scientific supervisor
  • Health food designer
  • Digital project manager of innovation
  • Brand identity developer
  • Quality/QHSE Manager in the food industry
  • DGCCRF inspector
  • IAA Regulatory Affairs Officer
  • Project/product manager

Possible assignments

  • Development of digital training (e-learning, etc.)
  • Drafting of scientific arguments related to a brand's products
  • Development of new product ranges, launch on the French/European market.
  • Management of social networks, production of brochures and sales analysis
  • HACCP plan update, Certification renewal
  • Setting up organic certification
  • Implementation of a supplier/raw materials risk assessment.
  • Conduct health audits, create appropriate communication tools
  • Supplier referencing, Customer and supplier relationship management in the food industry


  • A website:
  • A gmail address:
  • A private facebook group:
  • Groups on the professional social networks Linkedin & Viadeo

Lecture's schedules & internship

  • Internship in France

You will need to complete the internship form once you have been accepted by a company.

Please read these tutorials carefully before completing your internship agreement
Internship agreement procedure
Internship charter (see Moodle internships)
Note on the amendment to the internship agreement
Internship agreement

  • Internship abroad

As soon as the academic year begins, we strongly recommend that you start looking for an internship in a foreign laboratory or company. The course leaders and/or mobility managers, Prof. Gaël Orieux and Prof. Eric Schwartz, can help you if necessary.

Click on the link to find out more about internships abroad


Back-to-school meeting August 31 at 9 a.m. in room 101, tower 14.24

The schedule is available here.
 It will be updated regularly.


Responsables du parcours

Veronique Bereziat

Khadija El Hadri-Zegouah


Carole Harduin

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1er Etage - porte 106
 +33 (0)1 44 27 72 86

9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 147
75252 Paris Cedex 05