
M1&M2 - Biotechnology pathway
The 'Biotechnology' pathway, which is part of the 'Molecular and Cellular Biology' Master's degree, is a business-oriented course. Its aim is to train managers capable of joining biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical (therapeutic and diagnostic), environmental and cosmetics sectors. The training offered will enable them to grasp the complexity of the world of the biotechnology industry and to adapt to its evolution.
Biotechnology applies science and technology to living organisms and their parts, products and models, to modify living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services.
The pathway has two subjects:
- Innovation in Biotechnology (M1 and M2)
- Biotechnology Research & Development (M2)
The two subjects are based on fundamental, theoretical and practical training in cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology and microbiology, as well as cross-disciplinary training in English, business knowledge and project management, taught by teacher-researchers, researchers and industrialists. This pathway includes two subjects for which the skills acquired are identical, but which differ in terms of the training method: one is an apprenticeship and the other is a work placement.

M1 & M2 - Innovation in biotechnology
The special feature of this subject is that it is taught as an apprenticeship, with an intermediate course lasting for about four weeks, which is the result of a partnership between the BMC master's degree and the CFA des Sciences. The student will have apprentice status throughout the two-year course. They will have to develop knowledge of biology similar to trainee students, and acquire professional knowledge quickly in order to meet the expectations of the company with which they have signed their contract.
Training objectives
This apprenticeship programme is based on the principle of alternating theoretical teaching at university with on-the-job training at the employer with whom the apprentice has signed a contract. The aim is to train managers capable of grasping the complexity of the world of the biotechnology industry and working in biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical (in therapy and diagnostics), environmental and cosmetics sectors. As companies' needs are increasingly multidisciplinary, the choice of certain courses on an à la carte basis, depending on the apprentice's career plan, further guarantees their employability on the job market. Seminars to identify the main areas of business activity (R&D, production, marketing, quality, financing, research development, industrial property, clinical research, strategic intelligence, bioethics, etc.) will reinforce knowledge of the professional environment acquired through the apprenticeship.
Career prospects
Once they have completed their training, apprentices will be able to access the various positions offered by biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical, cosmetics and environmental sectors: R&D engineer, R&D assistant project manager, assistant product manager, marketing account manager, quality engineer, technical sales engineer, clinical research associate (after additional training), production engineer, consulting engineer, patent engineer (after additional training at INPI).
Skills developed
Subject-specific skills :
- have a high level of technological and scientific expertise in biology,
- master the basic techniques and equipment used in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and immunology,
- master the different areas of biotechnology (health, environment, cosmetology),
- implement an innovative approach to design and the validation of results.
Cross-disciplinary skills :
- know how to develop your personal and professional project,
- demonstrate creativity, versatility and autonomy,
- ability to adapt quickly to change and to the needs of companies and markets,
- know how to work in a team,
- communicate objectives and results,
- ability to analyse results critically,
- ability to learn and adapt.
Some of the companies that have welcomed students in this pathway
Sanofi, Servier, stago, lfb, I-Stem, Xentech, expansciences, Abbvie, NEOVACS, Cellectis, Stallergenes, DBV Technologies, Nanobiotix, HYBRIGENICS, ONXEO, DNA Therapeutics, DIAXONHIT, Global-bioenergies, THERAVECTYS, Pherecydes Pharma, ManRos Therapeutics, Galapagos, L'Oréal, LVMH, Yves Rocher.
Organisation of training
The course takes place over one or two years, from Septembern to n+1 or n+1, and alternates between university and company. As the needs of companies are increasingly multidisciplinary, the choice of certain courses will be made à la carte within the scientific courses offered by the BMC Master's degree depending on the student's career plan. A large part of the teaching is given by professionals who are experts in the fundamental areas of business activity. Apprentices are also encouraged to take part in both company forums and visits to industrial sites to give them an insight into how companies operate.
Unités d'Enseignement (UE) de Première Année |
Semestre 1 (30 ECTS) |
Semestre 2 (30 ECTS) |
*le descriptif des UE est disponible ici. **UE proposée par la mention de master « Management de l’innovation » https://sciences.sorbonne-universite.fr/formation-sciences/masters/master-management-de-linnovation |
Unités d'Enseignement de Deuxième Année |
Semestre 3 (30 ECTS) |
* le descriptif des UE est disponible ici. *** le descriptif des UE est disponible sur la page https://sciences.sorbonne-universite.fr/formation-sciences/masters/master-biologie-moleculaire-et-cellulaire-bmc/m2-master-deuxieme-annee |
Semestre 4 (30 ECTS) |
Le "Challenge Apprentis Entrepreneurs" est un concours entrepreneurial qui récompense des projets de création d’entreprises réalisés en équipe par des étudiantes et étudiants rattachés aux écoles de la chambre de commerce et d'industrie Paris Ile-de-France. La participation est réservée aux groupes d’étudiantes et étudiants inscrits dans une des 23 écoles dans l’année universitaire d’organisation du concours. Afin de correspondre à leur progression pédagogique, les actions entrepreneuriales sont réparties en trois catégories (débutant, intermédiaire et avancé) pour lesquelles les épreuves sont adaptées.
This course lasts one or two years, depending on whether you enter in M2 or M1. The degree, awarded by Sorbonne University, is prepared on an intermediary basis through an apprenticeship in partnership with the CFA des Sciences.
For students undergoing initial training, selection is based on an application and an individual interview. The application form can be downloaded from https://www.cfa-sciences.fr/qualite-environnement/master-innovation-biotechnologies
From 2023, applications will be submitted online via the national Master’s platform "Mon Master" (https://www.monmaster.gouv.fr/).
Knowledge of companies, industrial sectors and professions is an important criterion. The CFA des Sciences provides help in finding a company: personalised follow-up, organisation of "job search techniques" meetings. If you wish to obtain all or part of your degree by validating your experience (VAE), the registration procedures are defined by the Continuing Education Department of Sorbonne University.
- First Master's year: students with a bachelor's degree (Bac+3) in science and technology, majoring in life sciences, or any diploma deemed equivalent by the teaching committee.
- Second Master's year: students with the necessary skills and the credits corresponding to a year of M1 will be able to enter the course in the second year.
The legal conditions: you must be under 30 years of age and sign a work-linked training contract with an approved or authorised employer. There are exceptions to these conditions, which are set out on the Ministry of Employment website.
Secrétaire pédagogique de la mention BMC
Chargée relations entreprises
- Marie-Charlotte DUBOIS
Téléphone : 01 44 27 74 37
Responsables pédagogiques
- Pour le M1:
Marco DA COSTA - Pour le M2 :
Responsable secrétariat et vie scolaire du CFA
- Ségolène TAUZIN
Téléphone : 01 44 27 71 46 / 71 40 - Isabelle MAES
After a year of orientation in M1, the students who enter this subject in M2 will learn about the world of the biotechnology industry. After a semester of theoretical teaching, they will complete a 6-month work placement in a company, either in France or abroad.
Training objectives
The "R&D Biotech" subject, which is part of the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master's degree, is a business-oriented course. Its aim is to prepare young biology graduates to enter the key sectors of the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and cosmetics industries and to provide them with immediate job opportunities in these sectors as soon as they have obtained their master’s degree.
Through the courses provided as part of the pathway, students will be able to grasp the complexity of the world of the biotechnology industry, its key sectors, its organisation and its strategy. Students will also be able to identify the current and future careers available to them in these companies and learn about the key skills of bio-companies. Scientific teaching will focus on the biotechnology challenges of tomorrow and the themes developed in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, with the multi-disciplinary skills (immunology, cell biology, genetics, etc.) required in today's biotechnology world.
Seminars to identify the main areas of business activity (R&D, production, marketing, pharmaco-vigilance, quality, financing, research development, industrial property, clinical research, strategic intelligence, bioethics, etc.) are offered as part of the course.
Career prospects
Once they have completed their training, graduates will be able to access the various positions offered by biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical, cosmetics and environmental sectors: R&D engineer, R&D assistant project manager, assistant product manager, marketing account manager, quality engineer, technical sales engineer, clinical research associate (after additional training), production engineer, consulting engineer, patent engineer (after additional training at INPI). In some cases, students may be able to secure a doctoral contract in a company thanks to CIFRE funding ("Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la REcherche").
Skills developed
Subject-specific skills :
- have a high level of technological and scientific expertise in biology,
- master the basic techniques and equipment used in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and immunology,
- master the different areas of biotechnology (health, environment, cosmetology),
- implement an experimental approach from design to validation of results.
Cross-disciplinary skills :
- know how to develop your personal and professional project,
- demonstrate creativity, versatility and autonomy,
- be able to adapt quickly to changes and to the needs of companies and markets,
- know how to work in a team,
- communicate objectives and results,
- be able to analyse results critically,
- be able to learn and adapt.
Organisation of training
The R&D Biotech subject is organised in the same way as the other M2 subjects, with a specialisation UE, a scientific project UE and a scientific analysis UE. These courses take place in the first semester (September to December). To complete the 30 ECTS of the first semester, an introductory course of 6 ECTS must be chosen from the courses offered by the 'Molecular and Cellular Biology' Master's programme. Internships of up to 6 months are carried out exclusively in companies and take place in the second semester (January to September).
UE de Spécialisation (MU5BM315, 12 ECTS) |
L’enseignement est dispensé dans l’UE de spécialisation sous forme de conférences, de tables rondes, d’ateliers et d’études de cas. Il s’articule autour de trois modules : 1/ Connaissance de l’entreprise
2/ Formation humaine
3/ Connaissances technologiques et biologiques
UE d'Analyse Scientifique (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS) | |||
Les étudiantes et étudiants devront réaliser des études de cas à partir de sujets proposés par des intervenantes et intervenants du monde de l’entreprise. | |||
UE de Projet Scientifique (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS) | |||
l’UE sera proposée sous la forme d’apprentissage par projet. Les étudiantes et étudiants travailleront par groupe sur le montage d’un projet autour d’un développement biotechnologique novateur donné. Elles et ils présenteront leur projet devant un jury composé de professionnelles et professionnels du monde académique et du secteur privé. | |||
UE de Stage (30 ECTS) | |||
Dans le cadre de la thématique, un stage conventionné d'une durée maximale de six mois (de janvier à septembre) sera exclusivement réalisé en entreprise, localisée en France, en Europe et aux États-Unis. La variété des entreprises partenaires (médicaments, vaccins, diagnostiques, biomarqueurs, cosmétologie, agro-industries, environnement, dispositifs médicaux, …) permet d'offrir aux étudiantes et étudiants une orientation diversifiée. |
How to register
This course is designed for students who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in biology. It is also open to students from medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and engineering schools.
Candidates are selected on the strength of their applications, followed by a personal interview. The application form should be completed online on the following dedicated page: Master's registration
- Company networks (France-biotech, Leem Biotech Committee)
- Biotechnology park (Biocitech, Genopole)
- ESTBB (School of Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology)
Abbvie, Biomérieux, Cellectis, Chanel, Dior-LVMH, Episkin, Expanscience, Ipsen, I-Stem, Galapagos, GSK, Hybrigenics Services, LFB, L'Oréal, Neovacs, Nokad, Oncodesign, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Sanofi Pasteur, Servier, Stallergènes, Transgenes, Veolia, Yves Rocher (more than 50 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in all).
Secrétaire pédagogique de la mention BMC
Our partners
- CFA des Sciences
- Company networks (France-biotech, Leem Biotech Committee)
- Biotechnology park (Biocitech, Genopole)
- ESTBB (School of Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology)
Job opportunities
Once they have completed their training, graduates will be able to access the various positions offered by biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical, cosmetics and environmental sectors: R&D engineer, R&D assistant project manager, assistant product manager, marketing account manager, quality engineer, technical sales engineer, clinical research associate (after additional training), production engineer, consulting engineer, patent engineer (after additional training). In some cases, graduates may be able to take out a doctoral contract in a company thanks to CIFRE funding ("Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche").
Target audience and admission
- First year Master's degree: students with a bachelor's degree (Bac+3) in science and technology, majoring in life sciences, or any diploma deemed equivalent by the teaching committee.
- Second year Master's degree: students with the necessary skills and the credits corresponding to a year of M1 may enter the course in the second year, subject to the approval of the teaching committee.
- To obtain all or part of the diploma on the grounds of prior experience, the registration procedures are defined by Sorbonne University's Continuing Education Department.
For the 'Innovation in Biotechnology' subject, applicants are selected on the basis of a portfolio and an individual interview upon entry to M1. Knowledge of companies, industrial sectors and professions are important requirements.
For the 'Biotech R&D' subject, selection for M1 is based on applications only, while selection for M2 is based on applications and an individual interview.
Subject-specific skills
- have a high level of technological and scientific expertise in biology,
- master the basic techniques and equipment used in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and immunology,
- master the different areas of biotechnology (health, environment, cosmetology),
- implement an innovative approach to design and the validation of results.
Cross-disciplinary skills
- know how to develop your personal and professional project,
- demonstrate creativity, versatility and autonomy,
- be able to adapt quickly to changes and to the needs of companies and markets,
- know how to work in a team,
- communicate objectives and results,
- be able to analyse results critically,
- be able to learn and adapt.
Responsables pédagogiques M1
Dr Juliette Puyaubert
Dr Marco Da Costa
Responsable pédagogique M2
Pr Sophie Louvet-Vallée