M1&M2 - Microbiology track

This course, which offers six subjects, trains students in the most innovative aspects of microbiology, in the fields of health, the environment, understanding ecosystems, risk management, the use of microorganisms, and the design of new strategies for monitoring and combating pathogens. It is based on the acquisition of fundamental concepts and operational skills specific to each of the sectors concerned (bacteriology, virology, parasitology, mycology) and on the development of cross-disciplinary expertise in the other sectors of biology to which it belongs (immunology, ecology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology). By incorporating modules on business knowledge, the courses can be designed to encourage the acquisition of cross-disciplinary skills in management, innovation and development, for example.

Depending on the subject and the nature of the compulsory work placement, this pathway opens the door to further study (doctorate or double degree) or to immediate integration into the professional world in the fields of health, the environment, biotechnology or the agri-food industry (R&D managers, expertise and consultancy activities, quality managers, etc.).

M1&M2 - Microbiology track

The track comprises:
- six research-based training themes (“Microbiology-Bacteriology”, “Virology”, “EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases”, “Parasitology-Mycology”, “Parasitology-Immunology” (shared with the Immunology track) and “Microbiology-Environment-Health”)
- an apprenticeship program (“Quality-Environment-Health Safety”), with access from M1 or M2: for further information

Depending on the subject and the nature of the compulsory work placement, this pathway opens the door to further study (doctorate or double degree) or immediate integration into the professional world in the fields of health, the environment, biotechnology or the agri-food industry (R&D managers, expertise and consultancy activities, quality managers, etc.).

This training is based on:

  1. special partnerships with the Université Paris Cité and the Institut Pasteur ("Microbiology-Bacteriology", "Virology" and "MIE" courses), the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle ("Microbiology-Environment-Health" course) and the CFA des Sciences ("Quality-Environment-Sanitary Safety" course),
  2. access to first-class technological platforms (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Institut Pasteur, etc.),
  3. the existence of a network of expert laboratories in France and abroad,
  4. the special relationships forged with companies in the sectors concerned.

Training through research

The research training subjects train students in the most effective tools for scientific research in microbiology and related disciplines. The themes are designed to train students (1) to establish the current state of knowledge on a specific research topic (literature review - production of a publishable journal), (2) to devise an original line of research, (3) to identify the logistical (technological, human and financial) resources required to address an original scientific question (training for writing a report), (3) identify the logistical (technological, human and financial) resources required to address an original scientific question (training for the drafting of a research project), (4) implement a research project in a laboratory (practical placement) and (5) analyse, format and present original results in French and English (oral presentation, training for the drafting of original articles) to an expert or non-specialist audience.

in collaboration with Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur


The EIM theme offers a multidisciplinary, research-based training program of excellence. The aim is to create a community of scientists, healthcare professionals and decision-makers with a shared understanding of the health, societal, economic and communication challenges posed by emerging infectious diseases. This theme is organized with several partners: Université Paris Cité, Institut Pasteur and École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (EnvA). Our M2 offers a comprehensive, transdisciplinary training program based on the "One Health" approach. This theme offers a multidisciplinary approach to global health, with an M2 MIE and a doctoral program. Students from a wide range of backgrounds - science, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary and engineering schools - follow a transdisciplinary program offering courses in the biology of emerging pathogens, epidemiology, veterinary science, ecology, evolutionary biology and socio-anthropology.


The program is organized into 2 options: "Biology of emerging pathogens" and "Epidemiology and biostatistics", led by a course committee comprising Sorbonne University, the University of Paris, the Institut Pasteur and EnvA. The 12 ECTS specialization course includes a 3 ECTS "One health, a multidisciplinary approach" common to all students and 9 ECTS specific to each sub-theme. The specialization blocks will be completed by modules offered as part of the "Project" (6 ECTS), "Scientific Analysis" (6 ECTS) and "Opening" (6 ECTS) courses. The choice of modules is made individually and à la carte, enabling each student to specialize according to his or her project. The teaching team supports students and validates their choices to ensure the coherence of their training. The course includes a 6-month internship, comprising a 4-5 month experimental internship supplemented by an additional 1 or 2 month internship or bibliographic project to encourage cross-disciplinary projects (MU5BMSO8, 30 ECTS).

OPTION 1 "Biology of emerging pathogens

Students enrolled in this option choose 3 UE from the UE offered in this block, including Emerging Pathogens, Fundamental Aspects of Pathogen Control, Host-Pathogen Interaction and Antiviral Immunity.

OPTION 2 "Epidemiology and Biostatistics".

Students enrolled in this option choose 3 UEs from the full range of UEs offered in this block, including From the field, Methods in epidemiology, Epidemiology and biostatistics, Basics in epidemiology, Introduction to R, Principles, methods and data analysis, Introduction to R and statistical reminders.

For the Project (6 ECTS) and Scientific Analysis (6 ECTS) courses, students in the two options choose from a list of courses in the "Animal, Environment and Human Interfaces", "Evolutionary Dynamics" and "Humanities and Social Sciences" blocks (see detailed list of courses in the brochure).
Open courses (6 ECTS) are chosen à la carte (see detailed list of courses in the brochure).


Students with an M1 in biological sciences, medical (medicine, pharmacy) and veterinary students, engineering school students with the necessary skills and corresponding credits.
Students coming from the Sorbonne University "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master 1 are encouraged to take at least two teaching units with a significant microbiology component in M1 (one in S1 and another in S2). Students are also encouraged to complete a research internship in microbiology.


The aim of this program is to train young researchers in the field of emerging infectious diseases, who could become future teachers and researchers in academic research institutes, as well as in industrial research and development. Our theme also enables us to train specialists capable of holding positions of responsibility in French and international agencies, health establishments, local authorities and companies.


Secrétariat pédagogique :

Emma Correale



The "Bacteriology" subject is designed to provide training in the concepts and approaches of modern microbiology. More specifically, it covers the concepts of biodiversity and phylogeny, regulation of gene expression, host-pathogen relationships (including host responses), identification of virulence factors, pathogenicity mechanisms and the means of controlling them, signal transduction and adaptive mechanisms in bacteria, archaea and unicellular eukaryotes. More specific aspects, such as the identification of pathogenic bacteria, antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial control methods, as well as microbial biotechnologies, are also presented.


Theoretical courses are grouped together during the first semester of the academic year, from the beginning of September. Work placements in laboratories (subjects approved by the teaching committee) begin as soon as the theoretical lessons are completed (in December) and end with an oral presentation (in June).

The subject is led by a course committee involving Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur, and offers two options:

  • The "Fundamental Microbiology" option (organised at the Institut Pasteur teaching centre) is aimed at students interested in the molecular and genetic mechanisms by which microorganisms function.
  • The 'Molecular and Medical Bacteriology' option (organised by the three partner universities) is more focused on studying bacteria of medical concern.

These options will each be supplemented by specific lectures: students in the "Fundamental Microbiology" option will follow the general microbiology lectures/TPs (Institut Pasteur), while students in the "Molecular and Medical Bacteriology" option will follow lectures on interactions between pathogens and the infected host, microbial genetics and genomics, antibiotic resistance and epidemiology (MU5BM642 or MU5BM644, 12 ECTS).

This series of lectures is supplemented by practical work on antibiotic resistance (Molecular and Medical Bacteriology option) or courses on biodiversity (Fundamental Microbiology option) (MU5BM696 or MU5BM694, 6 ECTS). Students from both options meet in November to prepare a scientific seminar (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS). Finally, they complete a compulsory 6-month research placement in expert microbiology reference laboratories in Paris or the Paris region (30 ECTS).



Common core

Scientific project UE (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS) "Current events in microbiology".

This is a series of courses and lectures organised at the Institut Pasteur Teaching Centre. It provides essential knowledge and a broad cross-sectional view of current approaches in molecular microbiology, genomics and phylogeny of prokaryotes.

Scientific analysis UE (6 ECTS) "Scientific seminars and writing".

The synthesis and communication of scientific data are two essential elements of the work of teachers and researchers. The students, supervised by a scientific tutor specialising in the field, work on an oral, written and formatted presentation of a scientific synthesis based on a set of reference publications. This work is the subject of a public oral presentation and a written review of four to five pages.

Internship UE (30 ECTS) "Research internship

The work placement can be started as soon as the theoretical courses have finished (at the beginning of December) and lasts for a maximum of six months. It should enable students to demonstrate their thinking skills and technical and methodological abilities when confronted with a novel scientific question. The internship is validated by an oral presentation and a detailed report of around 30 pages, based on the structure of a scientific publication. The oral examinations take place in June so that students who wish to do so can prepare for the doctoral school allocation competition.


Specialisation course (MU5BM644, 12 ECTS) "Fundamental Microbiology".

This practical teaching cycle lasts five weeks. Students learn about the relationship between virulence and motility in Legionella pneumophila and identify a mutant that does not synthesise flagella. During its life cycle, L. pneumophila alternates between a non-replicating infectious form that allows transmission to a new host and an intracellular form that does not express the characteristics associated with transmission (including the flagellum and cytotoxicity). The aim of this practical work is to construct mutants that do not express a flagellum (DfliA, DflaA, etc.) in order to study their phenotype during infection of macrophages and amoebae, and the expression of genes during the intracellular cycle.

Introductory UE (MU5BM696, 6 ECTS) "Microbial biodiversity workshop".

This practical course aims to present and implement the methodological approaches (isolation and identification by molecular biology) used in the comparative study of the composition and diversity of microbial communities in different continental ecosystems. This teaching cycle closely aligns with the UE specialisation.


Specialisation course (MU5BM642, 12 ECTS) "Molecular and medical bacteriology".

This series of courses and conferences is organised into four modules at the partner universities. The first takes a global approach to bacterial genetics (diversity, phylogeny, genome plasticity, genomics). The second deals with the epidemiology of bacterial infections (major plagues, nosocomial and community-acquired infections, statistical tools, spread of resistance). The third covers the various aspects of cellular microbiology (host invasion, secretion systems, genomic approach, human genetics and infectious diseases). Finally, the last module deals with the mode of action and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, and mobile genetic elements, with supervised work.

Introductory UE (MU5BM694, 6 ECTS) "Methodology in molecular and medical bacteriology".

This practical course, held on the Sorbonne University site (Jussieu campus), provides a thorough examination of the essential techniques of bacteriology: culture, bacterial genetics, phylogeny, epidemiology, DNA extraction, cloning, PCR, protein purification, enzymology basics, etc.

Contacts :

Responsables pédagogiques
Pr. Guennadi Sezonov
Pr. Alexandra Aubry

Secrétariat pédagogique
Emma Correale     

Autres informations

Site du Centre Enseignement de l’Institut Pasteur.


Microorganisms play a major role in the functioning of ecosystems, and in human and animal health within microbiota. However, these microorganisms remain largely unknown. The identification of new species of bacteria, archaea, viruses or unicellular eukaryotes, the taxonomic and functional description of microbial communities and their dynamics in response to changes in their environment, the study of their biotic interactions (e.g. quorum sensing), the discovery of new biomolecules of biotechnological interest, and the use of microorganisms in various bioprocesses, are important areas of research in fundamental and applied microbiology.
The Microbiology-Environment-Health (MES) theme lies at the interface between microorganisms and the environment, around the "One Health" concept linking ecosystem health to human health. This training program is designed to meet the needs of academic laboratories and companies in the fields of :
- the study of microorganisms in natural ecosystems and microbiota,
- assessment of health risks associated with microorganisms,
- valorization of microorganisms in industry,
- environmental diagnostics and bioprocessing and bioproduction techniques.
The MES theme offers high-level cross-disciplinary training in microbial biodiversity, omics approaches applied to the study of microbial models and communities, characterization of microbial biomolecules and microbial ecotoxicology.


The "Microbiology-Environment-Health" Master2 program offers in-depth, cross-disciplinary training in environmental microbiology, microbial genomics, the chemistry of microbial molecules and microbiological risks. The knowledge and approaches taught have applications in a wide range of sectors: fundamental and applied research in microbiology, the valorization of microorganisms in industry, ecotechnologies, the study of infectious agents, environmental management, etc. Internships are carried out in research laboratories or companies.

The MES theme benefits from :

  1. the complementary skills of teacher-researchers at Sorbonne University and the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in the field of microbiology (including eukaryotic microorganisms), its diversity and its impact on ecosystems (mainly water and soil),
  2. the use of high-performance analytical platforms at theObservatoire Océanologique de Banyuls and the MNHN in Paris,
  3. the involvement of professionals in the field of microbial biomolecule valorization and environmental health risk assessment.


Microbiology, biodiversity, genomics, chemical ecology, environment, human and animal health, bioremediation, ecotoxicology, biotechnology, valorization.


The first semester consists of four compulsory teaching units (6 ECTS each), held at the MNHN in Paris and at the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls (Sorbonne University). In addition to these compulsory courses, students can choose from a list of 6 ECTS opening courses, which complement their training in more specific and/or technical aspects.
Second-semester internships last a maximum of six months and take place in a research or R&D laboratory of a public scientific and technological institution (e.g. CNRS, INRAE, IRD, University), a public administrative institution (e.g. ANSES, ONEMA), a public industrial or commercial institution (e.g. IFREMER, CEA) or a company (e.g. EDF, Véolia). The Master2 MES offers a wide range of internships, but we also help students to find their own internships that match their career plans.


Students enrolled in M1 in the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master's program at Sorbonne Université are encouraged to take at least one of the following orientation courses:

  • Diversity and functions of microorganisms (4BM167, 6 ECTS),
  • Microbiology applied to the environment (4BM129, 6 ECTS)


UE analyse scientifique (MU5BM618, 6 ECTS) "Biodiversité et écologie fonctionnelle des microorganismes" (MNHN, Paris)

The aim of this teaching unit is to provide an overview of microorganisms from a taxonomic, structural and ecological point of view: archaea, bacteria, cyanobacteria and the major eukaryotic phyla (e.g. protists, fungi). Classes will cover the molecular and functional diversity of these microorganisms, as well as their roles in ecosystem functioning and bio-geochemical cycles at different scales.
This UE will be assessed through the preparation and presentation of a bibliographical study based on a theme proposed by the teaching team and carried out with the support of a tutor.

Specialization course (MU5BM611, 6 ECTS) "Characterization, role and valorization of microbial molecules" (MNHN, Paris)

This teaching unit is structured around a "microbial molecules and applications" section focusing on the diversity of secondary metabolites of microbial origin (antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides, toxins) and on the screening and valorization of these compounds, and a "study methods" section dedicated to isolation and structural characterization techniques (chromatographic methods, nuclear magnetic resonance mass spectrometry). Students will learn about the many ways in which microbial molecules can be put to good use (antibiotics, cancer therapy, biopesticides, etc.) with speakers from industry.

Scientific project UE (MU5BM655, 6 ECTS) "Environmental genomics and biotechnological applications" (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, Sorbonne Université)

Recent high-throughput approaches to analyzing the specific and functional diversity of environmental microorganisms are at the heart of many fundamental and applied research issues. We propose to review these tools, their application methods and their interest in understanding the place of microorganisms in their environment: metagenomics, bioinformatics approaches. We will examine the prospects for biotechnological applications of these tools: identification of new compounds and new metabolic pathways of interest, industrial valorization (cosmetics, biofuels, drugs, energy production). This course, organized with the participation of numerous researchers from both academia and industry, opens up a wide range of applications in both fundamental and applied fields.
This course will be assessed by the writing and presentation of a scientific project carried out by pairs of students, based on the use of genomic approaches and/or characterization of microbial compounds, with objectives in the fields of ecology, health or biotechnology.

Specialization course (MU5BM645, 6 ECTS) "Quality of aquatic environments and microbiological risks" (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, Sorbonne Université)

Aquatic environments are under increasing pressure from pollution (microbiological and chemical) generated by human activities. This pollution can have major consequences for the ecological quality of the system (eutrophication), the tourist economy (insalubrity, nuisance), aquaculture production (mortalities, sales bans), and human health (presence of pathogenic microorganisms or toxic algal blooms). This teaching unit covers eutrophication, bio-pollution and microbial ecotoxicology, as well as the nature and identification of pathogenic (viruses, bacteria, cyanobacteria, microalgae), opportunistic or toxic microorganisms in aquatic environments. Much of the teaching will take the form of practical workshops, focusing in particular on techniques for studying the degradation of pollutants, the detection of microorganisms of health interest using innovative methods, and some ecotoxicological tests using microorganisms.

Opening UE (6 ECTS):

We advise students to choose their opening UEs from the following list:
- Integrative physiology of microorganisms" (MU5BM691, 6 ECTS) Sorbonne University, Banyuls
- Natural or provoked microbiological risks" (MU5BM668, 6 ECTS) Sorbonne Université Paris
- Ecotoxicology (MU5BM619, 6 ECTS) MNHN Paris".
- Valorisation des travaux de recherche & technologies du vivant" (MU5BM073, 3 ECTS) MNHN Paris

- Workshops :
- "Specialized metabolites of microbial origin" (MU5BM097, 3 ECTS) Sorbonne Université Paris & MNHN Paris
- Videomicroscopy, confocal microscopy and digital imaging" (MU5BM084, 3 ECTS) Sorbonne Université Paris & MNHN Paris

Internship (30 ECTS)

The internship, lasting a maximum of six months, should enable students to demonstrate their thinking skills and technical and methodological abilities when confronted with a novel scientific or technical question. The internship culminates in an oral presentation and a detailed report of around 30 pages, based on the structure of a scientific publication in the case of a research internship. In-company internships must illustrate the students' knowledge of corporate issues, define the question posed and demonstrate the measures put in place to provide a satisfactory scientific, technical, organizational or managerial solution. Two defense sessions are offered: one in June and the other in September.


This course enables students to pursue a doctorate in environmental, industrial or health microbiology, leading to careers in fundamental research and R&D. The MES theme also trains students for positions as microbiology research engineers in private or public laboratories, as well as for management or consultancy positions in public bodies or companies involved in health and/or the environment.


Responsables pédagogiques
Pr Fabien Joux (Sorbonne Université)
Pr Sébastien Duperron (MNHN)

Secrétariat pédagogique
Emma Correale

Are you interested in the scientific issues surrounding host-pathogen interactions, in particular the interactions between parasites (eukaryotic pathogens) and the immune system? Take a look at the "Parasitology-Immunology" theme brochure below! The Parasitology-Immunology theme offers training through and in research for the future players who will contribute to advances in our knowledge of the interactions between parasites and the immune system, and to the development of new innovative immunotherapies for human and animal parasitic diseases. This course provides a solid foundation of knowledge in i) the biology of parasites and their hosts, at both organismal and cellular levels, ii) the physiology/physiopathology of the immune response and biotherapies, and iii) the interactions between eukaryotic pathogens and the immune system. It also includes a practical workshop on the biology of eukaryotic pathogens. The course is rounded off by a second-semester research placement in laboratories with expertise in these fields.


Responsables pédagogiques
Dr. Valérie Soulard
Pr. Adrien Six

Secrétariat pédagogique
Emma Correale

• Thématique "Parasitologie-Mycologie

This theme trains researchers and managers in the fight against parasitic and fungal diseases, both human and animal. This training requires a better understanding, at cellular and molecular level, of the pathogen (parasite or fungus), the parasitic phenomenon and host-pathogen interactions, which is the essential basis for parasitologists and mycologists who are fundamentalists or more involved in clinical, diagnostic or therapeutic approaches, or in development initiatives. It provides a better understanding of the pathophysiology of parasitic and fungal diseases, as well as vaccine and therapeutic strategies. Internships are carried out in research laboratories proposed by the pedagogical committee, or on students' own initiative after approval by the pedagogical committee.



The "Parasitology-Mycology" program is organized by teachers from Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur. Its aim is to train researchers and managers in the fight against parasitic and fungal diseases, whether human or animal. This requires a better understanding, at cellular and molecular level, of the pathogen (parasite or fungus), the parasitic phenomenon and host-pathogen interactions. The tools of cell biology, molecular biology and proteomics have recently led to remarkable advances in our knowledge of parasitic agents and processes. This knowledge is an essential foundation for parasitologists and mycologists, whether they are fundamentalists or more involved in clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic or value-adding activities. It will enable them to gain a better understanding of the pathophysiology of parasitic and fungal diseases, and to adopt a rational approach to vaccine and therapeutic strategies.


Theoretical courses are grouped together during the first semester of the academic year. The laboratory internship (subject validated by the pedagogical committee) lasts a maximum of six months, starting as soon as the theoretical courses are completed in December and ending with an oral presentation in June.


Specialization course (MU5BM641, 12 ECTS) "Molecular and cellular biology of parasites/fungi and the host cell".

This first cycle of courses and lectures is organized on the Pitié-Salpêtrière site. It provides students with the conceptual foundations essential to understanding parasitology and mycology: molecular mechanisms of cell-pathogen interaction (attachment/penetration, transformation, cellular response and escape mechanisms), evolution, genotype/phenotype relationships and diversity, impact (pathophysiology of human infections, emerging or re-emerging infections, impact on ecosystems, etc.). This is a cross-disciplinary course designed for students concerned with infectious diseases.

Scientific project course (MU5BM652, 6 ECTS) "Immunological approaches to anti-parasite defense".

This teaching unit is aimed at students with a scientific or medical background who wish to understand the effector mechanisms of immune responses and their implementation during the infectious process, whether parasitic or fungal: immune deficiencies/reconstruction during these infections, immunopathogenesis, etc. In particular, this teaching will enable them to approach vaccine and immunotherapeutic strategies on a rational basis.

EU scientific analysis (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS) "Seminars and scientific writing".

The synthesis and communication of scientific data are two essential elements in the work of teachers and researchers. Supervised by a scientific tutor specializing in the field, students work on the oral and written presentation of a scientific synthesis based on a set of reference publications. This work is the subject of a public oral presentation and a written review, the best of which may eventually be published.

Opening UE (6 ECTS)

To be chosen from among the range of opening courses offered by the university. Due to the often limited number of places available, this UE must be chosen very early in the year.

Internship UE (30 ECTS)

The internship should enable students to demonstrate their thinking, technical and methodological skills, as they are confronted with a novel scientific question. The internship culminates in an oral presentation and a detailed 30-page report, based on the structure of a scientific publication. The final exams take place in June, so that students can prepare for the doctoral school entrance examinations.


Applications: on the Sorbonne University website between mid-April and June
Teaching location: Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Site Pitié-Salpêtrière (https://cimiparis.fr)


Secrétariat pédagogique

Emma Correale

Saddi Saibi
Site Pitié-Salpêtrière
Département des Maladies infectieuses parasitaires et tropicales

Téléphone : +33 1 40 77 98 16
Télécopie : 01 45 83 88 58

• Thématique "Virologie" (en collaboration avec l'Université Paris Cité et l'Institut Pasteur) 

Combining fundamental virology, cell and structural biology, genetics and immunology, this theme aims to improve understanding of viruses, in order to develop strategies to meet the challenges of persistent infections (HIV, hepatitis B and C, herpesviruses, etc.), transforming infections (virus-associated cancers), eradicating old infections (polio) and combating new emerging infections (coronaviruses, hemorrhagic fevers, arboviruses, etc.). Internships are carried out in research laboratories proposed by the pedagogical committee, or at the suggestion of students after approval by the pedagogical committee. Teaching takes place mainly at the Institut de Pasteur in Paris and on the Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité campuses.


Virology integrates concepts from cell biology, immunology, genetics, biochemistry and systems biology to offer a cognitive approach to the interrelationships between viruses and their hosts. This approach, which lies at the interface between basic biological and medical sciences, aims to gain a better understanding of viruses in order to develop strategies to counter the challenges posed by viral infections in a global health context. Bringing together the best national and international experts in the field, the theme is led by a pedagogical committee comprising Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur. Lectures, round tables, lectures and practical work cover viral pathogenesis through the study of molecular interrelationships between viruses and target cells, as well as more fundamental notions of replication strategies and the structure/function relationships of viruses. In this way, students who take this course acquire solid knowledge by combining the most innovative concepts of virology with those of immunology, viral genetics, epidemiology and structural biochemistry, forming a highly integrated approach to this discipline.


This training, frequently combined with a thesis, opens the door to management positions in R&D or fundamental research in the healthcare industries and in the higher education and academic research sectors in France (Universities, CNRS, CEA, INRA, IFREMER, ANSES, INERIS, CIRAD, IRD, etc.) or abroad.
Graduates can also move into management or consultancy roles in public-sector structures or private companies with health-related activities, in which virology and, more broadly, infectiology play an important role.


The first semester includes a teaching unit (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS) offering students a series of lectures on current developments in the discipline. This teaching unit builds a knowledge base around essential notions of the discipline, particularly in genetics, biochemistry and immunology. This training for Virology research includes lectures by international scientists, thematic seminars, round tables/debates around topical themeś in Virology. Students also attend a practical workshop (MU5BM695, 3 ECTS). Particular care is taken to bring together the conditions for maximum interactivitý between teachers and students, whose activitý during the course is a criterion of success.
These courses are reinforced by the preparation of a scientific seminar (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS) associated with the writing of a journal. An opening teaching unit (3 ECTS) enables students to reinforce the acquisition of skills or broaden their knowledge in more distant sectors. In particular, students can take part in the Journées Francophones de Virologie (MU5BM052).
A Fundamental Virology teaching unit (MU5BM647, 12 ECTS) covers the most innovative topics in the field. This unit includes lectures, practical and practical work.
In the second semester, 6-month internships (MU5BMSO8, 30 ECTS) are carried out in research laboratories. All internship subjects must be approved by the pedagogical committee. They may be proposed by students or by the pedagogical committee.
Teaching takes place mainly at the Institut de Pasteur in Paris and on the Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité campuses.


  • Conférences d'actualité en virologie (Institut Pasteur) (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS)
  • Fundamental Virology (Institut Pasteur) (MU5BM647, 12 ECTS)
  • Group seminars and scientific journal writing (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)
  • Methodology workshop in virology (recommended opening UE) (MU5BM695, 3 ECTS)
  • Opening UE (3 ECTS): the choice of this UE can be discussed with the pedagogical committee, depending on the students' professional objectives.
  • 6-month laboratory internship (30 ECTS)

Detailed course content is available on request from the course leaders.


Students with an M1 in biological sciences, medical (medicine, pharmacy) and veterinary students, and students from engineering schools with the necessary skills and corresponding credits. Virology combines fundamental biology (biochemistry, genetics, cell biology) and physiology/physiopathology, particularly in the fields of immunology and cancer. Students are required to have a solid grounding in these fields, as well as academic and/or practical experience in virology.

Students coming from the first year of the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" master's degree at Sorbonne University are encouraged (1) to take at least one teaching unit with a significant virology component in M1, and to do an internship in this field, or failing that (2) to take two teaching units with a significant virology component (or a virology unit combined with an immunology unit).


Training organization, selection procedures and assessments are organized within a single pedagogical committee led by Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and the Institut Pasteur Teaching Center.
Internships are carried out within a national - or even international - network of laboratories of excellence.


Secrétariat pédagogique

Emma Correale

Research-based training includes theoretical teaching units (30 ECTS) and an internship (30 ECTS - 6 months), which can be carried out in the public sector or in a company. Most internship subjects are submitted by partner laboratories to the pedagogical committee, validated and presented to students. They can be carried out anywhere in France or abroad. Students are also encouraged to engage in a dynamic search for internships themselves. Subjects must likewise be submitted for approval by the theme's pedagogical managers.

The Scientific Project UE (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS) is usually a series of lectures at the end of which students must be able to design and propose a scientific research project on an innovative issue. The Specialization UE (12 ECTS) enables students to acquire concepts specific to the theme. These courses and conferences bring together researchers and teacher-researchers with recognized international expertise in the sectors concerned. It can also be supported by high-level practical work. The scientific analysis course (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS) usually takes the form of a public seminar accompanied by the writing of a journal (English or French) in accordance with scientific standards, but can be organized in different ways depending on the theme. The "UE d'ouvertures" (6 ECTS), chosen individually on the advice of the pedagogical committees, enable students to acquire methodological skills or new knowledge aimed at reinforcing the individual construction of their career path.


University students, doctors, pharmacists, veterinary surgeons and engineering students with a Master's degree (M1) in biology or equivalent.


The course is open to students with a solid grounding in life sciences (in particular cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and immunology) who wish to join the academic or applied research sectors, higher education or take up management positions in sectors in which microbiology plays a predominant role: healthcare industries or those with a strong environmental impact, biotechnologies, value-adding, consulting, scientific communication, etc.
Science students enrolled in the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master's degree are required to take two units in microbiology in M1, or one unit in microbiology combined with an internship in this field.

Access to this program is available in M1 or M2: for more information


Responsable pédagogique

Pr. Guennadi Sezonov

Secrétariat pédagogique

Emma Correale