Nous avons trouvé 234 résultats pour votre recherche
Into the World of Physics of the Infinite
… The IPI also has the mission of conducting scientific communication activities for the general public, while … The IPI also has the mission of conducting scientific communication activities for the general public, while …
The Cancer University Institut (CUI) receives "Comprehensive Cancer Center" accreditation from the OECI
… questions from the Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine Communications Department. Could you describe the CUI's role … questions from the Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine Communications Department. … Could you describe the CUI's …
The fablab, a place of creation and innovation
… administrative manager, a general manager, a reception and communications manager, five fab managers and around fifty … to study and work in several fields. I started in telecommunications and computer networks, then I did technical …
The Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Sciences
… learning and translation practices, intercultural communication processes, etc. Multidisciplinary approaches … learning and translation practices, intercultural communication processes, etc. Multidisciplinary approaches …
"Our objective is to create a dialogue between medicine, biology, the humanities and social sciences"
… modern letters, sociology and anthropology, information and communication sciences, which are particularly useful for … modern letters, sociology and anthropology, information and communication sciences, which are particularly useful for …
‘Stepping Stone’ Passport: material and moral support for 61 students
… to students based on need and excellence. From chemistry to communication, modern languages, literature and history, as … to students based on need and excellence. From chemistry to communication, modern languages, literature and history, as …
Student elections
… details of how to organize the vote via the university's communication channels (ENT facultaire, WhatSUp, Fil … details of how to organize the vote via the university's communication channels (ENT facultaire, WhatSUp, Fil …
International Master ‘From fundamental molecular biosciences to biotherapies’ (M1 and M2)
… in November for the following academic year. The date communicated by Campus France applies to institutions only. … in November for the following academic year. The date communicated by Campus France applies to institutions only. …
Languages of War under the Russian war in Ukraine
… are reflected in the literature and arts, and in the media communication of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. They either … are reflected in the literature and arts, and in the media communication of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. They either …
Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology course (EPET)
… (teaching, training, etc.), the dissemination of knowledge, communication, and scientific animation and mediation: … (teaching, training, etc.), the dissemination of knowledge, communication, and scientific animation and mediation: …