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Nous avons trouvé 193 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Article

Mechanics of solids and structures

… biomechanics and robotics. The program is organized in partnership with the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées … mécaniques, acoustique, électronique et robotique de Paris) of Sorbonne University, as well as industrialists … and calculation of mechanical structures, and international partners.   Target audience and prerequisites First year: …

  • Article

4EU+ Alliance

… the alliance, bringing it to seven members, and in 2023, Paris Pantheon-Assas University joined, bringing the … University (Czech Republic) Heidelberg University (Germany) Paris-Pantheon-Assas University (France) The University of … l'organisation de visites géologiques virtuelles | 4EU+ Contact 4EU+ Contact by email Visit the 4EU+ website Are you …

  • Article

Sino-French Institute of Renmin University of China

… Institute of Renmin University of China Our strategic partnership with the Sino-French Institute of Renmin … which offers students complete a degree in both Suzhou and Paris, and in both languages.  "Franco-Chinese collaboration … Suzhou campus. Renmin University of China Suzhou Campus 1 Contact Rakhee Patel International Projects and Partnerships …

  • Article

Master’s in Bio-Informatics and Modelling (BIMM)

… collaborations between the faculty’s graduate departments of computer science and molecular and cell … methods within the biological and medical sciences. It prepares graduate students for academic research in … other research centres: INRIA, Genoscope-CEA, INRA, etc. Contact Graduate Department of Computer Science Graduate …

  • Article

Cryptology, High-Performance Computing and Algorithmics (CCA)

… industries, this field encompasses issues related to the parallelization of semi-numerical algorithms, parallel programming and adaptation to emerging … research (Universities, CNRS, Inria, for example).   Contacts Course manager (SFPN) Mohab SAFEY EL DIN Contact by …

  • Presse

Sorbonne University and the University of Lomé join forces to promote research and education against emerging infectious diseases

… University and the University of Lomé officially signed a partnership agreement yesterday in Lomé to launch an … Katherine Tyrka, Sorbonne University international press Contacter par courriel "The partnership between Sorbonne University and …

  • Structure de recherche

Common and Rare Kidney Diseases

… ligne Structures de recherche fédératives Écoles doctorales Partenariats scientifiques Thématiques Communication Brevets … Bâtiment Recherche, Hôpital Tenon 4, rue de la Chine Paris 75020 Director Publications Géolocalisation Hôpital …

  • Événement

The 2024 Music Fever Festival

… a piano and chamber music festival organized by the Greater Paris University Hospitals and Sorbonne University; … and on the premises of the Armand-Trousseau Hospital. Contacter par courriel Evening concerts Monday June 17     8:30pm: The …

  • Actualité

Isir's Smart ArM Team Takes on Cybathlon 2020

… of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (Isir) is set to participate in Cybathlon 2020- Global Edition , which will … by a group of medical doctors from the equipment department of the regional rehabilitation institute (IRR) of … and information sciences as well as life sciences. Contact Nathanaël Jarrassé, CNRS Head of Research Contact by …

  • Article

External Aggregation in Chemistry

… at a lycée, CPGE, BTS, IUT or university. The year of preparation for this demanding exam ination enables students to … and physics (L2 level), with the aim of learning how to impart knowledge. In particular, the aim is to develop … to this M2 course. Visitez le portail de préparation Contact us Course leader Clément Guibert Contact by email À …