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Nous avons trouvé 344 résultats pour votre recherche

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Use our services

… basis throughout your university course. Published on 10/01/2020 - Updated on 15/07/2024 Sign up and borrow The conditions … can access dozens of educational materials to learn how to master scientific and technical information. Make an …

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Complementary activities

… Complementary activities Published on 7/01/2020 - Updated on 5/05/2022 Les missions doctorales In … practical work in Bachelor's programs, exceptionally in Master's programs according to the needs of the Teaching …

  • Presse

AI & Democracy: Launch of “Democratic Commons” The first global research program to build AI in service of Democracy

… trust and growing information warfare. Published on 05/24/2024 - Updated on 24/05/2024 Type de document Press … it is urgent to invest in a trusted sphere through mastered AI. This project has attracted the world’s leading …

  • Portrait

Laurence Devillers

… Laurence Devillers Published on 10/11/2021 - Updated on 21/02/2024 Devillers Laurence Professor of … d'études approfondies, now the 2nd year of a research Master's 8 Incremental model for calculating the probability …

  • Portrait

Duygu Ozenc

… Duygu Ozenc Published on 19/12/2023 - Updated on 6/05/2024 Ozenc Duygu Winner of the … degree I'd like to continue my studies in France by doing a master's degree, which will enable me to become an expert in …

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Jean-Pierre Gattuso

… Jean-Pierre Gattuso Published on 27/07/2023 - Updated on 17/07/2024 Gattuso Jean-Pierre … in biological oceanography. "I then returned to Nice for my Masters course and my thesis". His thesis focused on …

  • Structure de recherche

Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases

… Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases The UMR 1166, created in 2014, brings under the same umbrella five teams dedicated to … laboratory for angiography and biology ; Student tuition (Masters and PhD)(n=20) ; Randomized trials ( …

  • Actualité

Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli: "The octopus has phenomenal analytical capacities!”

… the cephalopod took on the pseudonym Paul during the 2010 soccer World Cup, and made predictions about the … film (including the Oscar for best documentary film in 2021), we discover an animal that is not only endearing, but … according to the situation they encounter. The octopus is a master of the art of camouflage! Can you give some examples …

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Health and scholarships

… Health and scholarships Published on 22/11/2019 - Updated on 24/04/2024 Student Health Services … colors, and for bachelor's degree graduates enrolling in a master's program); How to apply? Applications - or renewals …

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Kiyoka Kinugawa Bourron

… Kiyoka Kinugawa Bourron Published on 30/05/2024 - Updated on 17/07/2024 Kinugawa Bourron Kiyoka … data. It also provides an opportunity for doctoral and Masters 2 students to get involved in the research program. …