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France Universités, the CDEFM, the Cdefi, and the CGE say no to the National Rally for Universities and Schools

… press service, Sorbonne University 01 44 27 47 01 Contacter par courriel Claire de Thoisy-Méchin, service … presse Sorbonne Université 01 44 27 23 34 - 06 74 03 40 19 Contacter par courriel This threat is immediate, real and …

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Combining forces with the Doctoral College

… you may benefit from the Research Tax Credit (CIR). Contact and information Mickaël Le Guen Collège doctoral … formation et carrières Relations entreprises 01 44 27 81 89 Contact by email LinkedIn … The added value that the …

  • Presse

Discovery of extracts from a lost astronomical catalogue

… (pdf 380.12 KB) Victor Gysembergh, chercheur CNRS Contacter par courriel François Maginiot, attaché de presse CNRS 01 44 96 43 09 Contacter par courriel Katherine Tyrka, International press, Sorbonne University +33 (0)1 44 27 51 05 Contacter par courriel Old grimoires, even for the most …

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M2 - Nuclear engineering course (IN)

… For further information, applicants are encouraged to contact Anne-Marie Gouronnec, the subject coordinator.   … Hague storage facility 3-day internship at CEA Marcoule   Contact Responsable Matthieu MICOULAUT +33 (0)1 44 27 72 40 Contact by email Responsable Christian SIMON +33 (0)1 44 27 …

  • Actualité

Fluorescence for measuring light intensity

… Nature Methods . Contact Ludovic Jullien Professeur Laboratoire PASTEUR (UMR 8640) Tutelles : CNRS / ENS / Sorbonne Université Contact by email Links Read the article … Absolute light …

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French Language Courses at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and in Continuing Education

… University website to meet the registration deadlines.   Contact Bureau du Français Langue Etrangère Entrée tour 43 - Couloir 43-53 / 1er étage - Bureau 110   Contact by email … Discover how to improve or consolidate …

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Sorbonne University International Development

… publishes a seasonal newsletter. Read our latest edition. Contact Us Contact the Department of International Development Contact by email Sorbonne University’s International …

  • Presse

Robots able to change their orientation thanks to their morphology

… the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) Contacter par courriel Olivier Dauchot, research director at the Gulliver Laboratory, CNRS Contacter par courriel Katherine Tyrka, international press service, Sorbonne University +33 (0)1 44 27 51 05 Contacter par courriel In this paper, the authors take …

  • Actualité

Eiffel Excellence Scholarships

… arriving after December 8, 2023 will not be processed. Contact Patricia Zizzo Coordinatrice des thèses en cotutelle … Pôle International Bureau de la Mobilité Internationale Contact by email Lien utile Bourse d'excellence Eiffel …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University Launches its Alumni Network

… get involved with the Sorbonne University  community.   Contact us: The Alumni Relations Department 01 44 27 72 81 Contact by email … To meet the major challenges of our time, …