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Nous avons trouvé 52 résultats pour votre recherche

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M2 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology pathway

… skills (obtained during the Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences) will be required for enrolment in M1. The subjects … initially created by the world of physics, chemistry and computing, whose applications in biology are now …

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Neuroscience track - NEURO

… Neuroscience track - NEURO The Master BIP-Neuroscience program … neuroscience -   cognitive neuroscience  -  systems and computational neuroscience -   behavior  -  development -  … sciences, medical training, engineering, mathematicians, computer sciences -- planning to pursue a career in …

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Multidisciplinary institutes and initiatives

… society that do not fall within the remit of any particular science, Sorbonne University has set up various institutes. … Sorbonne Université on quantum information, mainly in computer science and physics, but also in mathematics and …

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Master's Degree in Waves and Devices for Advanced Wireless Communication Systems (WaveWiCom)

… communication systems. It covers advanced topics in computational electromagnetics, antennas and radiofrequency … passed a first-year master's (M1), or holding a 4-year Bachelor, in the field of Electrical Engineering with … often in January ). Please select “Sorbonne Université” > “Sciences et Ingénierie” > “Taught in English” > “Master …

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Energy and Environment Program

… CEREMA, Renault, LSCE - Lab. of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Air Liquide, ONERA ) or business-oriented courses … into this program. First Year : Holders of a general bachelor of Mechanics, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics …

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Master of Chemistry

… Chemical Engineering (IC) program Chemistry and Life Sciences (CSDV) Program International programs Materials …

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Master courses in Chemistry

… and on more prospective aspects related to biomaterial science (controlled release systems for example). The … ( Chemistry and Life Sciences track Systems Chemistry of Living & Synthetic …

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Master courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - 1st year (M1)

… the basic knowledge necessary to consider training in neuroscience at Master's level. Teaching will range from the … to behavioural and cognitive neurosciences. Prerequisites Bachelors level neuroscience program. Contact Régis Lambert … to its realization and its validation by the use of computer and experimental tools. Prerequisites Bachelor's …

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Use our services

… Visiting the library Access to the libraries of Arts and Science & Engineering is free and free of charge within the … . Material and equipment Some libraries provide you with computer equipment (computers, tablets, headphones, USB …

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Mechanics of solids and structures

… - CNRS 7190) attached to the SMAER doctoral school (Sciences mécaniques, acoustique, électronique et robotique … Master's program boasts extensive computing resources, with computer rooms running several operating systems and …