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Nous avons trouvé 66 résultats pour votre recherche

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Software Science and Technology (STL)

… During each semester, the student must follow a number of UEs corresponding to 30 ECTS, each UE generally …

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Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… permet d'acquérir des compétences multiples scientifiques et techniques relatives au développement de solutions …

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Medical English

… to March 2024, followed by an exam in April 2024. Each sequence includes work on the vocabulary of a medical … industry, research terminology, etc.). DFASM1 A 20-hour UE in April 2024 to give weaker students a reminder of …

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Distributed Agents, Robotics, Operations Research, Interaction, Decision Making (ANDROIDE)

… training of experts who can master a wide range of techniques, both symbolic and numerical, and who are able to …

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M1&M2 - Parcours Bioinformatique & Modélisation (BIM-BMC)

… M1&M2 - Parcours Bioinformatique & Modélisation (BIM-BMC) Current issues in biology and medicine require skills at the interface …

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Organization 1st year master

… en physiologie   (6 ECTS) MU4BI003 - Biostatistiques (3 ECTS)  Génomique des organismes marins (Station marine de Roscoff) …

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Advanced Systems and Robotics (SAR)

… students do not follow the ROS and experimental robotics UE, nor the internship UE. Instead, a 12 ECTS UE is dedicated to the evaluation of …

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Master’s Degree in Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation (MSR)

… University proposes an international master’s that is unique in France and that focuses on designing mechatronic … medical monitoring purposes. M1 Courses or Teaching Units (UE) 1 st semester In Paris Learning the basics of …

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Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISI) course

… Engineering First semester (30 ECTS)   Intitulé de l'UE ECTS Common core department Digital signal processing … 3 ECTS of linear automatics and do not take the English UE. The remaining 6 ECTS are dedicated to the evaluation of …

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M2 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology pathway

… describe and understand – at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels – the fundamental mechanisms of … describe and understand – at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels – the fundamental mechanisms of …