M2 - Cell Biology, Development, Cancer: from stem cells to organisms

This pathway provides a global vision of the fundamental mechanisms of cell biology, at the level of the cell, tissue and organ, right up to the whole organism, embryonic and adult. The areas covered also contribute to the modelling and study of complex diseases, particularly in cancerology. The themes present the conceptual and methodological tools that enable this integrated approach to life from the cell to the organism, and offer specialization in the fields of cell biology, developmental biology, stem cell biology and its application in regenerative medicine, and marine biology. 

Key words: Cell biology, developmental biology, stem cell biology, oncogenesis, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, molecular biology, marine organisms.

M2 - Cell Biology, Development, Cancer: from stem cells to organisms


Most of the teaching takes place on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus, but some teaching units are held at Sorbonne Université's marine biology stations in Villefranche-sur-mer (M2 level, ‘Marine Biology’ and ‘Developmental Biology’ themes), Roscoff (M1 and M2 level, ‘Cell Biology’, ‘Developmental Biology’ and ‘Marine Biology’ themes) and Banyuls-sur-Mer (M2 level, ‘Marine Biology’ pathway).

Travel and accommodation at the marine stations are supported by the Master department.

Our partnerships with research institutes in Paris mean that students in this specialisation are welcomed at M2 level in advanced courses where they work alongside internationally-recruited PhD students and post-docs. All teaching is in English, with some exceptions.

First Semester

The first semester (30 ECTS) consists of four teaching units:

  • Specialization course specific to each subject (12 ECTS)
  • Scientific Analysis  (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)
  • Scientific project  (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS)
  • Introductory units (6 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of UE offered by the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master's training department or by another Master's training department.

Second Semester

The second semester (30 ECTS) is reserved for practical training in a public laboratory or company. A dissertation is written and presented orally to a panel of experts in the field.







Cell biology is a cross-disciplinary field that enables us to understand the key functions of living organisms in many areas of fundamental and applied research. It draws on rapid advances in molecular investigation and imaging techniques, particularly on living cells in vitro and in vivo, to understand crucial processes such as cell proliferation and death, motility, intracellular trafficking, and the interactions of the cell with its environment. Our aim is to train young researchers in the life sciences who already have a solid grounding in cell biology, both theoretical and practical, and who are capable of tackling these major scientific questions in contemporary biology. The course ranges from fundamental research to applications in the elucidation of pathological mechanisms (in particular cancer, certain genetic diseases and pathologies linked to viral or microbial infection) and in the identification of new therapeutic approaches or targets.

This course is run in partnership with several Parisian institutes (Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Institut du Fer-à-Moulin, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle) and with the Roscoff biological station.


Training in the 'Cell Biology' subject is based on specialised teaching (30 ECTS), both theoretical and practical, and on a long placement (30 ECTS) in the laboratories associated with the specialisation, located in France or abroad. This subject is taught entirely in English.

The 30 ECTS of teaching that correspond to the first semester of M2 enable students to master concepts and methods. This period includes four teaching units:

Specialisation UE (12 ECTS)

Option 1: Advanced Cell Biology (MU5BM215)

Students must choose two 6 ECTS units from among the following :

  • Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Solving a Scientific Enigma in a Laboratory (UE MU5BM206, 6 ECTS) (IBPC course)
  • Cellular Proliferation and Death (MU5BM285, 6 ECTS)
  • Regulation of Gene Expression: Translation and Cell Cycle (Marine Animal Models) (MU5BM232, 6 ECTS) (Workshop in Roscoff)

Note: Accommodation and train tickets are paid for by the master's programme, but students are responsible for their own meals.

Option 2: Cours Pasteur

Molecular Biology of the Cell (MU5BM212) (Institut Pasteur /Sorbonne Université)
This intensive four-week course of lectures and practical work is organised in collaboration with the Institut Curie.

Scientific analysis ( 6 ECTS)

Scientific Analysis UE (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)

The student will perform an oral presentation about a recent major article in the field of cell biology. The aim is to develop a method of presenting scientific data, starting with the analysis of experimental data and going on to their critical interpretation, in a scientific context.

Scientific project EU (6 ECTS)
Scientific project unit (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS)
The student will present a fictitious thesis project in the form of a written report (around ten pages) and will defend this project orally. This project will be based on a theme developed during the Master 2 work placement.
Opening UE (6 ECTS)

This UE is chosen by the student in consultation with the teaching staff from the list of UE offered by the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master’s training department or by any other Master’s course at Sorbonne University. The preferred courses in the Cell Biology theme are:  'Cell biology and cancer' (MU5BM222) organised by the Institut Curie, 'Digital imaging' (MU5BM203) and 'Lectures in stem cell biology' (MU5BM217) organised by Sorbonne Université, 'Cellular ecosystems' (MU5BM810) organised by ENS Paris. The 'Regulation of gene expression' course (MU5BM232) organised by the Roscoff marine station is recommended for students enrolled in option 2.
Work placement (30 ECTS)
Internship (30 ECTS)
This internship is undertaken in a host team under the supervision of an internship supervisor and in consultation with the teaching staff. The list of host teams and placement proposals can be reviewed on the Moodle platform, which is only accessible to students enrolled in the BMC major and is grouped by pathway (there is restricted access, please consult us). Students may do their placement in a laboratory not included on this list, subject to the approval of the teaching staff.
The placement lasts a maximum of six months (six months at a rate of 22 days per month and seven hours per day, i.e. 132 days or 924 hours of placement; consecutive or not) and is spread over the entire academic year, with the exception of periods occupied by the UEs described above.


The course is open to students from universities and Grandes Ecoles who have completed an M1 in biology, as well as students with a solid initial training in a related discipline (engineering sciences, physics, chemistry, etc.) and a strong motivation for life sciences. This specialisation is also open to students of medicine, pharmacy and veterinary science, and welcomes foreign students.

Job opportunities

This Master's 2 course is designed to prepare students for a career as a researchers in public and private research, but also opens the door to a variety of careers in the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, scientific development, financing and consultancy.

Scientific Committee

The teaching is organised by a teaching team that monitors and assesses students. This team includes:

  • Tounsia Ait-Slimane (SU, CRSA)
  • Marta Garcia (SU, IFM)
  • Olivier Gavet (SU, IGR)
  • Anthi Karaiskou (SU, CRSA)
  • Joëlle Sobczak-Thépot (SU, CRSA)
  • Agnès Boutet, Patrick Cormier (SU, Station biologique de Roscoff)
  • Stephan Eberhard et Francis-André Wollman (SU, IBPC)
  • Roberto Bruzzone, Chiara Zurzolo (Institut Pasteur)
  • Philippe Chavrier, Stéphanie MISEREY-LENKEI (Institut Curie).


Teaching Committee


Responsable pédagogique

Secrétariat pédagogique

Franziska BAHR



This subject aims to provide students with conceptual and methodological expertise in the field of developmental biology. The main focus of this field of research is embryo formation, but it also includes reproduction, regeneration and stem cells. Developmental biology is at the crossroads of several disciplines, including cell biology, genetics and molecular biology. Understanding the fundamental mechanisms of developmental processes can therefore be approached using these different approaches. Developmental biology also contributes to our understanding of carcinogenesis and genetic developmental diseases, and paves the way for studies into therapeutic approaches.

This subject trains young researchers to be capable of working in public or private research laboratories. It is supported by clearly identified host teams in universities and major research institutes, networks of European laboratories and several partner laboratories located abroad. The course is taught entirely in English.

Internships and mobility

A placement of up to six months in an academic research laboratory or, more rarely, in a company, enables students to perfect their practical and theoretical training while discovering their future professional environment. The primary goal is to prepare them for the pursuit of a doctorate, either in France or abroad.

Our Erasmus exchange partnerships with the European universities involved in the international Master’s programme associated with the course offer students the opportunity to study abroad (University of Lisbon, Portugal; University of Heidelberg, Germany; Pompeu Fabra University, Spain).

General organisation of teaching

The teaching is organised by a teaching team that monitors and assesses students. This team includes:

  • C. Carron-Homo (IBPS, SU)
  • E. Hirsinger (IBPS, SU)
  • M. Cohen-Tannoudji (Institut Pasteur)
  • M. Umbhauer (IBPS, SU)
  • S. Tozer (ENS)
  • J. Matthieu (Collège de France)

Obtaining 60 ECTS validates the M2 year and they are broken down as follows: Specialisation UE (12 ECTS), Scientific Analysis UE (6 ECTS), Scientific Project UE (6 ECTS), Opening UE (6 ECTS), Internship UE (30 ECTS).

Specialisation UE (12 ECTS)

Specialisation UE (MU5BM211, 12 ECTS)

The specialisation course corresponds to the international developmental biology course jointly organised by the Institut Curie and Sorbonne University.

This workshop includes a practical component as well as thematic and methodological lectures and seminars. It provides an opportunity to manipulate the main model systems used in developmental biology and to acquire advanced knowledge of them. Strategic and technological approaches specific to each of these systems will be put into practice (mouse, chicken, xenopus, zebrafish, drosophila, nematode). We will show how the combined use of several model systems contributes to the analysis of a given developmental process. The molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in embryo formation will be discussed in all their diversity and uniqueness. The lectures will cover the main themes in developmental biology. The earliest mechanisms (germ line, determination of polarities, induction, specification, etc.) and the latest (morphogenesis, organogenesis, cellular differentiation) will be studied. Seminars presenting recent methodologies (imaging, microarrays, RNA interference, etc.) will also be given. Finally, the medical implications of discoveries in developmental biology will also be discussed.


Teaching Organisation: The course is supervised by members of the teaching team, together with French and foreign (European and American) researchers who are recognised specialists in the field. The practical workshop takes place over 3 consecutive weeks at Sorbonne Université, followed by 2 weeks of lectures at the Institut Curie.

Assessment: This consists of an assessment during the practical workshop and a written test at the end of the course, including analyses of experiments, which is designed to judge the ability to synthesise scientific data and propose biological models.

Scientific analysis ( 6 ECTS)

Scientific Analysis UE (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)

The goal is to develop a method of  analysing experimental data, the ability to interpret this data and to place it in its scientific context. The student will give an oral presentation on a recent major article relating to developmental biology. The 15-minute presentation will be followed by a 10-minute discussion with the members of the jury.

Scientific Project UE ( 6 ECTS)

The student will present a written research project (around ten pages) and will defend it orally. This project will focus on a theme developed during the placement.

Opening UE (6 ECTS)

This UE is chosen by the student in consultation with the teaching staff. One of the recommended courses focuses on the development of marine organisms (MU5BM200, 6 ECTS) and takes place at the Villefranche-sur-mer marine biology station (two weeks in December).

Laboratory work placement

This placement is undertaken in a host team under the supervision of a placement supervisor and in consultation with the teaching team. The list of host teams and placement proposals can be reviewed on the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" master's programme website (restricted access, please consult us). Students may do their placement in a laboratory not on this list, subject to the agreement of the teaching team. The placement, which lasts a maximum of six months, is spread over the entire academic year, with the exception of periods occupied by the UEs described above. At the beginning of the placement, students will present their research projects to the teaching staff.


Students must write a report of around thirty pages that presents the work they carried out during their placement The report will be defended in mid-June with a 15-minute oral presentation followed by a discussion with the teaching staff.


Responsable pédagogique

Clémence Carron-Homo

Secrétariat pédagogique

Franziska Bahr


The biology of stem cells and their therapeutic applications is a rapidly expanding field in the life sciences. These cells have two cardinal properties that distinguish them from other cells in the body: they are capable of self-renewal or, on the contrary, of engaging in one or more different pathways. Identifying stem cells and understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating them is a major challenge for biologists and clinicians interested in the problems of cell differentiation, cell reprogramming, homeostasis and tissue repair. Stem cell biology also introduces new perspectives on understanding tumour initiation processes and is the subject of intense research in regenerative medicine.

The aim of this theme is to provide advanced theoretical and practical training in the field of stem cell biology. The teaching will be based on lectures given by French and international specialists and a practical workshop where different types of stem cells (embryonic and adult) can be observed and manipulated. The aim is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge they need to understand the logic of stem cells and the clinical, ethical and legal issues involved.


The 'Stem Cell Biology' subject is based on specialised teaching (30 ECTS), both theoretical and practical, and an internship lasting a maximum of six months in a host laboratory in France or abroad (30 ECTS). This subject is taught entirely in English.

Specialisation UE (12 ECTS)

Specialisation UE (MU5BM216, 12 ECTS)

Theoretical teaching takes the form of scientific seminars. These conferences cover a wide range of topics relating to stem cell biology:

  • biology of embryonic stem cells,
  • pluripotency and reprogramming (natural and induced),
  • biology of adult stem cells (haematopoietic, muscular, neural, mesenchymal, epithelial and intestinal),
  • stem cell microenvironment: molecular and cellular aspects,
  • cancer stem cells,
  • stem cells and evolution,
  • stem cells, cell therapy and biotechnologies,
  • modelling the biology of stem cells: mathematical and bioinformatics approaches,
  • ethical and philosophical questions.

This teaching is accompanied by a practical workshop enabling students to observe and manipulate pluripotent stem cells, adult progenitor cells (haematopoietic, neural and muscular) and intestinal organoids.

Scientific Analysis UE (6 ECTS)

Scientific Analysis UE (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)

For the oral presentation, the student will present a recent major article in the field of stem cell biology. The aim is to enable students to develop a critical approach to the scientific literature and to learn how to present a scientific subject (context of the research topic, experimental methodology, analysis and interpretation of the results, etc.).

Scientific Project UE (6 ECTS)

Scientific project UE (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS)

The student will present a fictitious research project (around 15 pages) and defend it orally. This project will be based on the student's work placement in his or her host laboratory. The important points of the fictitious project are the originality, relevance and feasibility of the chosen subject.

Open UE (6ECTS)

Introductory UE (6 ECTS)

The student is free to choose a teaching unit offered by the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" master's training department or by any other Sorbonne University master's training department.

Work placement (30 ECTS)

Work placement (30 ECTS)

This laboratory placement is undertaken in a host team under the supervision of a placement supervisor and in consultation with the teaching team. The list of host teams and the contact details of placement supervisors can be consulted on the Moodle platform, which is accessible only to students enrolled in the BMC major and is grouped by pathway (restricted access, please contact us). Students may carry out their placement in a laboratory not included on this list, subject to the agreement of the teaching staff.
 The placement lasts a maximum of six months (six months at a rate of 22 days per month and seven hours per day, i.e. 132 days or 924 hours of placement; consecutive or not) and is spread over the entire academic year, with the exception of periods occupied by the UEs described above.


This subject is aimed at students of science, medicine and pharmaceuticals, as well as students at the Grandes Ecoles. Comprehensive knowledge of cell biology, development and molecular biology is required. For students enrolled in M1 in the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" Master's programme, validation of the "Introduction to Stem Cell Biology" UE is desirable.

Job opportunities

This subject is designed to train high-level specialists in the field of stem cell biology. It offers students the opportunity to move into academic or private research careers. The course also offers the opportunity to move into other professions such as scientific development or consultancy.

Scientific Committee

  • Charles DURAND (PU, Sorbonne Université)
  • Romain FONTAINE (MCU, Université Paris Cité)
  • Thierry JAFFREDO (DR, CNRS)
  • Franck LEBRIN (CR, INSERM)
  • Vincent MOULY (DR, CNRS)
  • Nathalie SPASSKY (DR, INSERM)
  • Aline STEDMAN (MCU, Sorbonne Université)
  • Pierre JOANNE (MCU, Sorbonne Université)




Education Manager

  • Charles DURAND
  • Aline STEDMAN
  • Laboratoire de Biologie du développement
  • CNRS UMR7622, Sorbonne Université, Bâtiment C, 6ème étage, 75252 Paris Cedex 05
  • Tél. : 01 44 27 22 84

Secrétariat pédagogique




General presentation of the subject

The "Molecular Bases of Oncogenesis" subject, which is common to the "Cell Biology, Developmental, Cancérologies: from stem cells to organisms" and "Genetics" pathways, enables students to acquire the concepts needed to understand the biological processes that control the cell cycle and maintain genome integrity, and how these processes are altered during tumour initiation or progression. Depending on the chosen specialisation course, these areas are studied at the level of the cell or the whole organism. By combining seminars and practical work, the specialisation courses – delivered in partnership with the Institut Pasteur and the Institut Curie – incorporate the most recent concepts and techniques in biology, such as (depending on the course chosen): 1) molecular combing to understand the mechanisms of genetic instability and chromatin immunoprecipitation to analyse the functional relationships between DNA lesions and chromatin remodelling; 2) the targeting of conditional mutations in the mouse genome to control the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumour suppressors, or the reprogramming of fibroblasts into stem cells, whose properties are similar to those of cancer cells; 3) the in vitro reconstitution of cellular functions, and the visualisation of cellular constituents using the most recent methods of confocal microscopy and dynamic imaging, to study the functional organisation of the cell.

The subject includes two specialisation courses which, in their diversity, address all aspects of tumour biology and genetics:

  • The aim of the Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics course (MU5BM824) is to develop the technical and conceptual aspects of genetics and epigenetics research, particularly in the context of oncogenesis. It aims to analyse the mechanisms regulating the expression and stability of eukaryotic cell genomes, as well as those controlling progression through the cell cycle.
  • The Mouse Genetics course (MU5BM813) is designed for students wishing to undertake comprehensive training in the use of this animal as a model system for human pathologies, particularly cancer. It is also aimed at students interested in stem cell biology (ES cells, IPS, etc.) or developmental biology –  as such, it can be taken by students in the 'Stem cell biology' and 'Developmental biology' subjects of the 'Cell Biology, Developmental, Cancérologies: from stem cells to organisms' Cell Biology pathway.

Educational Organisation

Students will choose one of the two specialisation courses described above and delivered in partnership with the Institut Pasteur. These courses also include the project course and count for 18 ECTS.

They also take the scientific analysis unit (6 ECTS) of their course.

Students will have to complete their training by choosing 6 ECTS of introductory UE(s) from the training offered by Sorbonne University or other universities, the choice of which will be discussed with the teaching team. The introductory modules recommended for the BMO subject are the Institut Curie courses “Génome non-codant” (MU5BM429, 6 ECTS), “Epigénétique, chromatine et organisation du noyau” (MU5BM460) (6 ECTS)  and « Biologie cellulaire et cancer » (MU5BM222, 3 ECTS), and the Sorbonne Université courses “Microenvironnement immunitaire, apoptose et cancer” (MU5BM577, 3 ECTS) and « Prolifération et mort cellulaire » (MU5BM285, 6 ECTS).

Finally, before the end of September, students must find an internship in a research laboratory (30 ECTS). The choice of laboratory and placement topic is made in consultation with the teaching staff. The list of host teams and internship proposals can be reviewed on the BMC Master's website (restricted access, please contact us). Students may do their placement in a laboratory not included on this list, subject to the agreement of the teaching team. The placement lasts for 6 months during the whole academic year, with the exception of periods occupied by the academic units described above. It is assessed through a written report and a viva at the end of June, to enable students who wish to pursue a doctorate to prepare their applications at the beginning of July.




Are you passionate about marine organisms? Do you want to learn how to better understand their particularities and study them to answer a wide range of biological questions (cellular, molecular, developmental, evolutionary, physiological, etc.)? This theme offers you the opportunity to acquire these skills from both a fundamental and an applied research perspective, drawing on Sorbonne Université's 3 marine stations: Roscoff, Villefranche-sur-Mer and Banyuls-sur-Mer.
We propose to train young researchers in life sciences who have acquired a solid theoretical and experimental grounding in marine biology to understand the concepts and mechanisms governing the functioning of marine organisms at different scales (from molecule or cell to organism). It also enables students to acquire study and analysis methods specific to marine organisms and their particular characteristics. Finally, as this is a highly cross-disciplinary field of biology, the theme tackles the biology of marine organisms using approaches integrating omics, developmental biology, evolutionary biology and cellular and molecular biology techniques.

In the marine environment, if you're more interested in oceanography, ecology and environmental sciences, you can follow the "Functioning of Marine Ecosystems and Global Change" and "Biodiversity and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems" courses in the Marine Sciences master's program.


The "Marine Biology: from molecule to organism" theme is based on specialized theoretical and practical teaching (30 ECTS), as well as a long internship (30 ECTS) in laboratories associated with the specialization, located in France or abroad. This theme relies heavily on Sorbonne Université's 3 marine stations, giving students the opportunity to be as close as possible to current research in marine biology.
The 30 ECTS of teaching corresponding to the first semester of M2 enable students to master concepts and methods. This period includes five teaching units. During the semester, the Master's program covers all travel and accommodation expenses, while students are responsible for their own meals.

Specialization  (12 ECTS)

Students will take the following two UEs:
1: "Marine metazoans and evolutionary biology" (MU5BM201, 6 ECTS - Banyuls-sur-Mer)
Lectures reinforced by practical work will enable students to study the biology and biodiversity of metazoans. During this course, students will tackle questions of evo-devo, molecular phylogeny and concepts linked to the notion of homology. An important part will be devoted to practical aspects and interaction with station researchers. Students will also learn about culture/stabulation methods for marine animal organisms and the associated regulatory aspects.
2: "Biology and Biotechnology of Macroalgae" (MU5BM202, 6 ECTS- Roscoff)
The aim of this course is to impart theoretical and practical skills and knowledge concerning the biology, evolution, bioresources and biotechnology of algae, mainly macroalgae. This course draws heavily on the research carried out at the Roscoff Biological Station, and will also enable students to tackle more applied aspects, such as the biogenesis and commercialization of commercially interesting natural products synthesized by algae. The potential of natural compounds for new applications in agriculture, food, fodder, cosmetics, health and as biofuels will be presented.

Scientific analysis (MU5BM051, 6 ECTS, Roscoff)

Following seminars on the various omics techniques applied to marine organisms, students will orally present a major recent article in this field. The aim is to acquire methods for presenting scientific data, from analysis of experimental data to critical interpretation, in relation to the scientific context.

Scientific project (MU5BM091, 6 ECTS)

The student will present a fictitious thesis project in the form of a written report (around ten pages) and will defend it orally. The project must focus on a marine organism, and may be inspired by the theme of the laboratory where the student is doing his or her Master 2 internship.

Introductory unit (6 ECTS)

This unit is chosen by the student in consultation with the teaching staff from the list offered by the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" master's training department or by any other Sorbonne University master's program. The preferred courses in the Marine Biology theme are as follows:
- Developmental biology of marine organisms (MU5BM200 -Villefranche-sur-Mer)

- Lights and biological rhythms (MU5BIM07 - Banyuls-sur-Mer)

- Biotests and Bioresources in the Marine Environment (MU5BEB45 - Banyuls-sur-Mer)

- From marine metazoans to human cancer (MU5BM233, Roscoff)



Internship (30 ECTS)

The internship is carried out in a host team under the supervision of an internship supervisor and in consultation with the teaching team. The list of host teams and internship proposals can be consulted on the Moodle platform, which is accessible only to students enrolled in the BMC major, and is grouped by course (restricted access, please consult us). Students may choose to do their internship in a laboratory not included in this list, subject to the agreement of the teaching staff.

The internship, of a maximum duration of six months (6 months at a rate of 22 days per month and 7 hours per day, i.e. 132 days or 924 hours of internship; consecutive or not), is spread over the entire academic year, with the exception of the periods occupied by the academic units described above.


The course is open to university and Grandes Ecoles students who have completed an M1 in biology, as well as to students with a solid initial training in a related discipline (engineering sciences, physics, chemistry, etc.) and a strong motivation for life sciences. This specialization is also open to students of medicine, pharmacy and veterinary science. Foreign students are also welcome.

Job opportunities

This Master's 2 course is designed to prepare students for a career as a researcher in public and private research, but also opens the door to a wide range of careers in pharmacy, biotechnology, scientific development, financing and consulting.

Scientific Committee

A pedagogical team is in charge of organizing the courses and monitoring and assessing student progress. This team includes :

  • Karen Pottin (SU, IBPS)
  • Stéphanie Bertrand, Laurence Besseau, Sophie Sanchez-Brosseau (SU, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer)
  • Agnès Boutet, Jonas Collen, Julia Morales, Arnaud Tanguy (SU, Station biologique de Roscoff)
  • Carine Barreau and Elisabeth Christians (SU, Institut de la Mer de Villefranche)
  • Eric Quéinnec (SU, ISYEB)

Pedagogical Committee



Franziska BAHR

Job opportunities

At the end of the Master 2 programme, students will mainly focus on fundamental or applied research in various areas of biology:

  • Preparing a doctoral thesis (70-80% of students)
  • Careers in research and development in academia (universities or large organisations, CNRS, INSERM, CEA, INRAe, etc.) or industry.

Some students also choose to complete their training:

  • as part of their initial career plan (doctors, pharmacists, engineers)
  • to acquire dual skills (in science –  bioinformatics, physiology, etc. , marketing or management, development, clinical research, political science, etc.).

The (non-exhaustive) list of jobs currently held by former students of this speciality includes positions as teacher-researchers, researchers in public research bodies (French and foreign universities, CNRS, CEA, INSERM, INRAe, etc.) or private law bodies (Institut Pasteur, R&D companies), research engineers, medical information officers in the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology sales technicians, biotechnology researchers, clinical research associates, secondary school teachers, etc.

Target audience and admission

The course is open to :

  • holders of a biology degree
  • students studying medicine, pharmacy or veterinary medicine
  • students at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieurs
  • foreign students with equivalent qualifications.

Students are admitted to M2 via an application file created on a specific Sorbonne University website. Students whose applications are shortlisted are then called for an interview with the teaching staff.

For students with a degree in biology, in particular the Science and Technology degree in Life Sciences from Sorbonne University, academic results and the suitability of the Master 1 programme (choice of Teaching Units) are taken into account for entry at Master 2 level.

Medical and pharmacy students, and students from the Grandes Ecoles and the Ecoles Vétérinaires, must provide proof of initial training equivalent to a Master 1 in areas relevant to the pathway (medical-sciences training, Inserm school, training in molecular and cellular biology....). Depending on their training, students may be admitted  into either the Master 1 or directly into Master 2.

The programme offers around 60 places per year at Master 2 level.

Admission to continuing education

Employees or jobseekers who have professional experience and who have interrupted their initial studies for more than two years must contact the Continuing Education Department at Sorbonne University directly if they wish to resume their studies and/or validate their prior learning.

Contact: 01 44 27 82 82
E-mail: formation.continue@sorbonne-universite.fr


Subject-specific skills :

  • Advanced knowledge of concepts and methods in molecular and cellular biology.
  • Expertise in the subject concerned.
  • Knowledge to apply an innovative approach.

Cross-disciplinary skills :

  • Present scientific concepts and issues orally
  • Ability to manage bibliographic resources (databases, online scientific journals) and master the scientific literature related to the biological field concerned,
  • Ability to synthesise information for writing and giving oral presentations of dissertations and projects
  • Ability to critically analyse scientific results drawn from the literature or obtained during the course
  • Apply knowledge and creativity to posit and solve a scientific problem
  • Ability to learn and adapt
  • Knowing how to organise your work and work as part of a team
  • Communicate results (oral or poster presentation, written report) and defend a project in front of a panel of judges
  • Appreciate the quality and relevance of a scientific work or approach
  • Proficiency in scientific English (the goal is to achieve a certified B2 level; a compulsory English course is taken in M1)




Franziska BAHR
